The Iowa Family Caregiver Program receives funding from the Administration on Aging.
Our information specialist, experienced and knowledgeable in the field of aging, will listen to your request or concern, ask a few questions, and provide the most appropriate sources of help for you.
Working in unity with area agencies on aging, consumer organizations and community service providers, the Iowa Family Caregiver Support Program puts you in touch with essential services:
- Assistance in locating local services to help you care for your loved one
- Information about resources that will help families in caregiver roles
- In-home care, adult day care facilities, nursing homes or assisted living facilities
- Special Assistance funds for meeting needs not already covered by an existing program or organization
Please call us at 1-866-468-7887 or contact us through this web-site. We look forward to connecting you with the resources in your area.

Iowa Association of Area
Agencies on Aging
Questions? Call Toll Free at 1-866-468-7887 to talk with our Information and Referral Specialist.